Update on COVID 19 Response and Resources for Public Housing Residents
Financial and other resources for the community are now combined.
Anyone experiencing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 virus can call
(434) 234-4490
between 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday.
Multiple languages are available.

Please Visit Support Cville for a Great List of
Money, Food, and Supplies Resources Available – Support Cville
For CRHA Information please see their update
Hello friends and neighbors! PHAR wants to make sure you have accurate information and full access to the many resources in Charlottesville to help you thrive through this crisis. We know that residents are resilient and we know this will pass in time. We also know this is going to be very difficult. Some of this information could change quickly. Call us any time, leave a message and we will return your call! (434) 984-3255.
Please visit the PHAR Website www.pharcville.org and the PHAR Facebook Page for frequent updates and links to helpful services and information.
Information and Things to Know:
SOCIAL DISTANCING is recommended by PHAR, CRHA, and the Health Department!
This means maintaining 6 feet of distance from other people, avoiding crowds of people, limiting time out of the house, frequent handwashing. Check out this awesome flyer from the Westhaven Nursing Clinic

For more information, please call the Health Department Hotline at (434) 326-4672
Please help keep the entire public housing community safe! There are many elders and people with health conditions that make them more vulnerable to the virus- we need the entire community to help keep us all safe by limiting person to person contact!
CRHA will be mailing an update (also posted on our website) on their operations today March 16th the update includes:
- Operating on limited staff, and limiting one on one contact with residents
- Call before coming in for appointments, call to cancel appointments
- Call the RENTAL OFFICE Before Coming In! (434) 326-4672
- Maintenance will be performed only for emergency calls to limit person to person contact
- All court cases (evictions) and any action involving lease termination are on hold
- Late Fees are not being collected
- Please alert CRHA (by phone!) to any loss of income and ask about “hardship exemption
Thomas Jefferson Health District has opened a Coronavirus (COVID-19) hotline at
(434) 972-6261.
The line is OPEN
Mon-Fri 8 am-4:30 pm
PHAR and Legal Aid Offices Are Closed
PHAR (434) 984-3255
Legal Aid Justice Center (434) 977-0553
Charlottesville City Schools with Partners information regarding schools, meals, and education on their website. Lunch delivery information is here. The school will be providing lunches for school age children (children must be present) Monday-Friday from 11 am to 12 pm at the following locations in/near public housing (please note locations are expanding stay tuned to CCS website):
South First Street
Riverside Avenue
Friendship Court
Venable Elementary School
Meade Park
Info here http://charlottesvilleschools.org/food
Food Pantries
New Beginnings Christian Community – 1130 E. Market Street Charlottesville
Every Saturday 12-1 pm
Holy Comforter Catholic Church – 208 E. Jefferson Street, Charlottesville
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10 am – 12 pm
Loaves and Fishes – 2050 Lambs Road, Charlottesville
Tuesday,Thursday 6:30-8:30 pm
Wednesdays 2 pm-4 pm
Saturdays 10 am- 12 pm
Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church – 717 Rugby Road, Charlottesville
1st Friday of month
Charlottesville Salvation Army – 207 Ridge Street, Charlottesville
Monday through Sunday 7-7:30 am, 12-12:30 pm, 5:30-6:30 pm
Bethany Seventh Day Adventist – 401 Harris Street, Charlottesville
2nd Sunday 3–5 pm
Emergency Food Network – 900 Harris St, Charlottesville
Orders: 9am-12:00pm
Pickup: 1:30-3:30pm
Must call ahead!
Donor Diapers– call (434) 214-0345
Charlottesville Department of Social Services may be able to help call (434) 970-3400 or go to https://commonhelp.virginia.gov/
Virginia Employment Commission- info on unemployment benefits due to COVID 19 http://www.vec.virginia.gov/node/11699?fbclid=IwAR1JQxk91tWkJf_UWZCJt4bxpo_H0m6bwCw4oZbv1BBD1ycUCX-q_pfIWfI
Restaurant Workers Fund– access to funding, your employer or staff will request on your behalf
Contact cvillerestaurantfund@gmail.com
or check out their facebook page