No More Public Housing in Charlottesville?
Resident Service Meeting and Meeting about RAD (Rental Assistance Demonstration)
1:00 pm and 5:30 pm
Westhaven Community Center
What is RAD?
RAD is “Rental Assistance Demonstration”
A voluntary HUD program that will eliminate all or some of public housing in Charlottesville! CRHA has a plan, but no one knows what it is.
All we know is that they plan to apply for RAD at the end of this month.
Do you want the future of your housing to be decided by 7 people in one month?
learn more here
criticism of RAD and health impacts here
Find out more at the Resident Services Meeting at
1 pm and the RAD meeting at 5:30 pm Thursday 10/10
What does RAD mean for my public housing?
– Elimination of all or some public housing,
converted to “project based vouchers” or “project based rental assistance”
– Sets a timeline, 30 to 40 years for the eventual elimination of 376 units of protected affordable housing
– Privatizes your home- who will be YOUR landlord?
– Changes to leases, and changes to income targeting in favor of higher incomes – who will be left out?
– More power and authority in the hands of property managers, less oversight from HUD
– Possible elimination of 18 units all at once
– No meaningful Resident Input- decisions have already been made!
…Stay tuned!
PHAR is working hard to protect and improve public housing in Charlottesville- stand up for your homes!
Other meetings regarding RAD:
Monday 10/14/13 at 5:30 PM –
South First Street Community Center
Wednesday 10/16/13 at 1:00 PM –
Crescent Hall Community Center
Monday 10/28/13 at 7:00 pm CRHA Meeting to Discuss RAD-
City Hall in Council Chambers